Sunday, February 27, 2011

Meet the Parents

I've been fighting a terrible sore throat and cold all week and bored... and tired... and in an attempt to cheer up, i was on the hunt on Netflix for a tasteful comedy.

Ben Stiller kept me and 'R' in splits through-out the length of the movie. If you video-taped us, we would be captured laughing out aloud or grinning as the "drama" unfolded. It was like being at a family re-union and watching the lively, exuberant sparks fly.

I was watching good-hearted Greg, delightfully horrified and mouth agape, for his next faux-pas. Robert De Niro played the suspicious father fact, one could not enjoy this movie without such a perfect performance from the irritated father.

Looking forward to watching the two film sequels - Meet the Fockers and Little Fockers, sometime in the future.

Everthing that can go wrong, goes wrong in this side-splitting comical story. So, if you find yourself powerless on a cold, blue... gloomy, dreary day...expect to snap out of it in merriment. It worked for me!

If you care for my prescription, here it is: Laughter is by definition healthy, so heal through laughter.

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
~W. H. Auden

The King's Speech

I am sooooooooo thrilled to know that "The King's speech" bagged three Oscars... Best Picture, Best Lead actor - Colin Firth and Best Directing.

It is a truly inspirational movie. One Friday evening, a few weeks after the movie released, we found ourselves R and me standing in line to watch a movie and i picked "The King's speech". R was not very enthusiastic at the time, but this seemed like a better choice out of all the others...we had seen a couple of others on the list and the others that we wanted to watch were scheduled for much later and so the decision was made. Totally worth it!!!

Go watch it :) It is a must-see. Put it on your movies-to-watch list.

Ivar Vivahitharayaal

I needed some company as i did my kitchen chores on Friday evening and that's how i watched this movie. It is a fairly good movie to pass your time. All about marriage and deciding to get married in early-20's. It had lots of funny and life-like moments. For example: The guy wishing to throw a big party to all his friends and his newly wed bride cooking every single dish :) The quick transition from college life, friends, fun life, day-dreams to a big thud of responsibilities and a new relationship.

I liked the song - "Poomukha Vathilkal", which is, i presume, most Malayalee men's ideal and classical description of "his spouse". My sincere apologies to those who disagree, i too, know a few who don't fit this label. Luckily 'R' did not have it on his wish-list... thank god!!! You won't beleive how i heard about this particular song for the first time. I once spoke to one "Mr. Potential Prospective" over the phone who was from IIT and worked for a top American multinational tech corporation... and i racked my brains to ask something.. so i asked... "What are your thoughts about your future partner-to-be?" hoping to find some common ground or strike an intellectual connection and i was told ... a woman exactly similar to the lyrics of this particular song. It is an Old Malayalam movie song from 1986 so i frankly had no idea, but i did some research after the mini conversation and asked some friends and even my mom for the meaning of the lyrics. It is a great song but when i put it in perspective with the other bits of our small talk, i foresaw big red flags and that was the end of it! Glory to God for his great mercies! Marriage is really not about one individual's whims or dreams but it is about what you have to offer to your partner.

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.
~Katherine Hepburn

“You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

This movie was a box office hit in 2009. It is a well made movie...worth a watch! Jayasurya is truly like fish taking to water in every character / lead role he is assigned to. He plays it aptly! Whoever has written the story has done a great job too... captured the youthful mood of today's college friendships.

I was playing this song in R's vicinity later on to hear something... anything from him..., he just gave me some dirty cold stares like Really????? :))

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Bourne Identity

If you're just sitting on your chair or sofa dumbfounded, with a racing heart, pounding head, feeling like you've just frantically run around the whole of Europe on dangerous adventures one after another, like you've just been awakened from a dream and are slowing getting accustomed to the mundane reality of the small box like room that you are in, you've most probably just finished reading 'The Bourne Identity'. 

It is a great novel. A definite masterpiece suspenseful thriller that is a must read for anyone interested in that genre. Reading it was the most wonderful experience that I had.

I had such very high expectations of the movie that I was not very happy the first time I saw it. I couldn't believe it. Where was the depth ?? The layers of complexity were just peeled off to squeeze only the essence in the 2 hours that the movie was allowed to occupy. Ah ! so bad. I guess that is a standard book lover's lament; to expect nuances of a novel to be captured on camera and not finding it.
But .. but I've seen the movie at least 5 times after that and it has been better every single time. On its own it is a definitely a treat to watch. Matt Damon is just amazing and be assured that you will be rooted to your TV set (or laptop) once you start. The sequels also are equally good and live up to the tempo and tension set up in the first.

About the Movie

The movie opens with a man who falls into an ocean after being shot. A fishing boat crew rescue him. A doctor they know removes his bullets. When the man wakes up he realizes that he doesnt know who he is ! All that he knows is a 16 digit swiss bank account number from a laser projector implanted on his body. He goes to Zurich to uncover his identity. From then on, the journey starts or should I say, the roller coaster ride just begins ?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thoughts at 2.30am

At some point today, i was thinking, i should write down about the 4 movies i watched this weekend. I am happy i stuck with it.

Now only if i wrote for every movie i watched in the past 3 years, i'd have a 1000 pages dedicated to only that. But it's never too late and i should try when i can.

When the most important times are occurring, we don't even recognize them or notice. We are just busy living our lives. Only looking back do we know what was a great moment in our lives.

"The key is to have a balanced life. Set aside a fraction of your time to carry out your dreams and ambitions."
Michael Lee

Sleep beckons... bye for now :)

Ip Man 1 & 2

Have you ever heard of this movie title? If you have, i am proud of you :) If not, here is a small chance to know more about something you'll not regret, i assure you.

Personally, for me, Ip Man is a record-breaker.
One because this is a Chinese film. My chances of watching a Chinese language film are so remote, right? Right.
Second as it's a purely martial arts action film. I run from anything that's even remotely violent.

Now, if you knew me well, your jaws would drop and your eyes would pop out, if i ever told you that i watched a martial arts film and loved it. Not only that, but that i watched part 1, part 2 and that I am eagerly looking forward to part 3 sometime in the future! By now, you would have simply gone and just watched it atleast out of curiosity.

So how did the unthinkable happen?

It was some Friday evening and i had gone out and was not home to welcome 'R'. 'R', happily made himself comfortable and sat about living his long cherished dream of watching a movie of 'his' choice. I came home after some time and was sad to find him totally engrossed in this action film that i abhorred, please note i abhor only "action and violence". Anyways, i was asking him if he had the tea and he paid no attention. It is so evident when you have to tear someone out of their fixation, that i almost took pity on him. So then, i brought out my cup of tea and another for him and then i planted myself beside him, breezing through a magazine, determined to 'bug' him at any cost.

Now at some point, i looked up from the magazine because the back-ground score was hauntingly melodious. And then i saw that it had the sub-titles in English and i heard another language, so i asked him if the entire film was like this, 'R' confirmed it's Chinese, i was shocked... how is he watching a Chinese film, how will he understand? And i was looking at the screen just to see how it is that he is enjoying it this much and i tell you, not only did I not budge from there, but my eyes and ears got glued to the TV screen.

This is what a great film can do... language is no barrier!!! It can enthrall you and I am so thankful 'R' selected this movie on Netflix that Friday. It had a story, a story of struggle, a story of triumph against all odds, a story of riches to rag, a story of never giving up but going with the flow. The story of a good human being who is most skilled in his chosen line. Makes me think... there is a twitch of thought... maybe universe does require a pure soul, a pure human being to bestow un-matched skill, talent, power and grace. The stunts are highly artistic and etheral.

When i finished watching the first part, i was begging for part two. It is a film based on a real person - humane, erudite, dignified, a cultured man of principles and a man of honour. Ip man is a true story. It is very inspiring and the movie phenomenally increases your appreciation of the Chinese martial arts, their culture, their history. The performance of the main actor, Donnie Yen, is just superbly brilliant. You need neither a six pack nor big biceps to fight tens of armed men. The fight sequences were like poetry in motion, a song in action. It is a thrill to watch Ip Man chop-away-to-glory when he is in an encounter.

The man is a legend, the movie is a master-piece. The only thing i regret is wish i had seen this movie in a theatre!!! So, if Ip Man 3 releases, you are the first to know that, i'll be standing in line with 'R' to watch this movie in a theatre. 'R' will be one happy and proud husband. I pray it does not disappoint me, in advance (let's touch-wood). But before that, i have another prayer, i sincerely hope part 3 is made!


My sis, i could nickname her "My Netflix of the real world" as she not only regularly suggests but commands me to watch a certain movie because she liked it and she is confident that we will too. The poor thing has a tough job, because she has to convince not one but two people. Nothing moves in my world without 'R' and 'R' being the certified movie buff, does not watch just any movie!!! If it's a Hollywood movie, the story is very different though.
But luckily, sis is very persistent and patient... she keeps hammering you with the titles of the movies and i would have no idea from the title if it's a Malayalam or Hindi or Telugu or English movie, because i would not have paid attention whenever she mentioned it... i get lost in a distant world when she starts with the movie names and she knows it... so she makes sure 'R' has listened to the titles.
Anyways, this weekend we made some time for it and it was worthwhile... it is a thriller. Normally i can predict and i am 99% right but this story was very unique and intriguing. My predictions went nowhere... i thought it was a story on some kind of a kidnapping. In fact, i was getting very frustrated as the story progressed... wanted to know what was up here!!!

I liked the opening of the movie, it shows a content wife, looking forward to spending some time with her very busy husband, who is away working long hours, but, one who does not forget her birthday. He is very loving, but has become very predictable with his surprises as he has no time to think of new ways. Now, this was a complaint i had with 'R' for a few months in the past and he put some thought and efforts to surprise me this Valentine's. I am truly floored. Now, i am afraid, if the bar has risen up a notch higher :)). Coming back to the movie, the point i was driving at was that, it is scenes such as these that are interwoven into the story, that glues an audience to the movie. Spouse working long hours at work is a scenario every wife in today's world would identify with ,i guess. I am sure today it is no longer limited to corporate America.

The songs were average but the background score was pretty good. The home in the movie was amazing too with a lovely back-yard to-die-for!

Jayasurya's performace is very commendable. Just when you begin to wonder, what happened to the great performers of Malayalam cinema, talented actors like Jayasurya up the ante. Samvritha was as beautiful as ever. All in all, a good movie. The ending was a tad bit sad... thought life was unfair to Jayasurya's character. Watch it. Makes a good thriller.

My Name is Khan

Monday afternoon, Long weekend, Lunch is cooking and while i give the ingredients in the pressure cooker, time to cook into a delicious chicken biryani i am tempted to watch some movie... maybe for 15 to 20 minutes and change track if i don't like it.

I look up the new movies list on Netflix and "My Name is Khan" is lined up. Not heard much about this movie except that one song Sajda, that was pretty popular i guess... i kind of liked it, i think, but then 'R' mentioned something lightly that the song was just "ok" and then i never played that again. When the movie had released in the Bay Area, i had asked 'R' if we can go watch it and as he's not a "big" fan of most Hindi movies, so skipped it. I have to cajole him to watch a Hindi movie.

But MNIK changed the situation today :)

So, i just started watching it and R came by... was standing around... playing with his iPhone...then i stopped and served lunch and we were watching the movie together till we finished lunch. At this point, i thought 'R', will go into the other room to continue doing whatever he usually does... but then he planted himself beside me as i was enjoying the movie. Once in a while, i looked sideways, to see what he is upto... could'nt believe he was still around... his eyes were fixed in the iPhone, but i knew he was also following the movie... when i faked that i mis-heard something and he corrected me. To get 'R' this far is an achievement by itself.... the movie is good!!! Phew! Now confident that he likes the movie, I joked, note, seriously, instructing him to either watch it or to go into the other room if he is watching it half heartedly. I loved the movie and did not want to be disrespectful to a well made movie.

Anyways, R being R, did not move an inch, just looked up and smiled. I continued watching... and within minutes, the movie had drawn in R's 100% attention.

I loved the movie for multiple reasons. One of it being that San Francisco is portrayed beautifully... we've been at all those spots at different times since my arrival over the past couple of years. There is that 'senti' factor associated with a city and lovely places that are prominent in your life. Then for LA, the Hollywood sign, high up in the hills and UCLA. It brings back happy memories.

Rizwan (SRK)'s character is very endearing... there is an earnest honesty and sincerity about that innocent soul. SRK played the role very well, according to me. I choked up in some scenes...The music is great... Kajol and SRK are a delight together.

Watch it
for the sensitive story line
for how the world has changed post 9/11
for how innocent people suffer for no fault of theirs
for how it is tough to be a simple soul in a bad world
for how steadfast Rizwan can be inspite of everything being stacked against him
But hope is not lost - good triumphs
There are still some people in the world who still recognize and value goodness and do right even though it's difficult to stick up to.
Watch it for Shah Rukh Khan :), he's essayed the character beautifully.
Watch it for the message - that "humanity" is more important than any religion or stereotypes we imagine.

It's not just a movie to watch and forget mindlessly. It is something you take with you into life even after the movie is over. It is a heart-tugging movie. The entire cast has done very well.

Other movies that are similar to this story line are "Kurbaan" and "New York". We had watched these movies earlier and they were both good individually.

Apparently, MNIK is an all-time highest grossing Bollywood film overseas.