Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ip Man 1 & 2

Have you ever heard of this movie title? If you have, i am proud of you :) If not, here is a small chance to know more about something you'll not regret, i assure you.

Personally, for me, Ip Man is a record-breaker.
One because this is a Chinese film. My chances of watching a Chinese language film are so remote, right? Right.
Second as it's a purely martial arts action film. I run from anything that's even remotely violent.

Now, if you knew me well, your jaws would drop and your eyes would pop out, if i ever told you that i watched a martial arts film and loved it. Not only that, but that i watched part 1, part 2 and that I am eagerly looking forward to part 3 sometime in the future! By now, you would have simply gone and just watched it atleast out of curiosity.

So how did the unthinkable happen?

It was some Friday evening and i had gone out and was not home to welcome 'R'. 'R', happily made himself comfortable and sat about living his long cherished dream of watching a movie of 'his' choice. I came home after some time and was sad to find him totally engrossed in this action film that i abhorred, please note i abhor only "action and violence". Anyways, i was asking him if he had the tea and he paid no attention. It is so evident when you have to tear someone out of their fixation, that i almost took pity on him. So then, i brought out my cup of tea and another for him and then i planted myself beside him, breezing through a magazine, determined to 'bug' him at any cost.

Now at some point, i looked up from the magazine because the back-ground score was hauntingly melodious. And then i saw that it had the sub-titles in English and i heard another language, so i asked him if the entire film was like this, 'R' confirmed it's Chinese, i was shocked... how is he watching a Chinese film, how will he understand? And i was looking at the screen just to see how it is that he is enjoying it this much and i tell you, not only did I not budge from there, but my eyes and ears got glued to the TV screen.

This is what a great film can do... language is no barrier!!! It can enthrall you and I am so thankful 'R' selected this movie on Netflix that Friday. It had a story, a story of struggle, a story of triumph against all odds, a story of riches to rag, a story of never giving up but going with the flow. The story of a good human being who is most skilled in his chosen line. Makes me think... there is a twitch of thought... maybe universe does require a pure soul, a pure human being to bestow un-matched skill, talent, power and grace. The stunts are highly artistic and etheral.

When i finished watching the first part, i was begging for part two. It is a film based on a real person - humane, erudite, dignified, a cultured man of principles and a man of honour. Ip man is a true story. It is very inspiring and the movie phenomenally increases your appreciation of the Chinese martial arts, their culture, their history. The performance of the main actor, Donnie Yen, is just superbly brilliant. You need neither a six pack nor big biceps to fight tens of armed men. The fight sequences were like poetry in motion, a song in action. It is a thrill to watch Ip Man chop-away-to-glory when he is in an encounter.

The man is a legend, the movie is a master-piece. The only thing i regret is wish i had seen this movie in a theatre!!! So, if Ip Man 3 releases, you are the first to know that, i'll be standing in line with 'R' to watch this movie in a theatre. 'R' will be one happy and proud husband. I pray it does not disappoint me, in advance (let's touch-wood). But before that, i have another prayer, i sincerely hope part 3 is made!

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